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Plagiarism Checker - SEO Tool for FREE
This is a free plagiarism checker tool for SEO.
This tool helps you to detect plagiarism in your text. You can enter your text or a link to your text. The tool will check the text against a large database of plagiarism detection sources and return a plagiarism score.
The Plagiarism Checker Tool is a handy tool that can help you detect plagiarism in your work. This tool is available on the website of the Center for Academic Integrity (CAI), and it helps you to identify the following types of plagiarism:
Quoting from other sources without giving the original source
Using someone else’s ideas or words without giving credit
Misusing valid rhetorical devices
The Plagiarism Checker Tool gives you a score for each of the four plagiarism types and offers you advice on how to avoid plagiarism. You can also use the tool to compare your work with that of other students.